Lymm Neighbourhood Plan – intentions


8. Lymm Neighbourhood Plan Roadmap

Our roadmap (at October 2017)

9. Lymm Parish, the Designated Neighbourhood Area

The Lymm Neighbourhood Plan will cover land within the Lymm Parish boundary only

This section will be updated with a map shortly

10. Get involved with the Neighbourhood Plan

  • The aim is to involve as many people as possible
  • In depth, or in passing, here are ways in which you can get involved:
    • Tell us what you think of the Neighbourhood Plan. There will be a local referendum on the Neighbourhood Plan so we can all have a final say
    • Join the committee, there is an overarching steering committee and 5 sub committees looking at the different areas. Members should:
      • Have a love and passion for Lymm and a desire to promote and improve it
      • Be a resident of Lymm (any resident can join) and ideally the members should reflect the different sections of the community of Lymm
      • Help to write the plan
      • Committee members are required to gather information and feedback from the community to inform the plan. Expert technical help is available from Locality UK.

Warrington PDO consultation, Lymm Parish Hall (August 2017)

Next section – Lymm Neighbourhood Plan Frequently Asked Questions

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